CUSCO USA is a division of Carrosser Co. Ltd, which is based in Japan. CUSCO USA is the headquarters for market research, product development, sales and distribution in the Americas. Our headquarters are located in Huntington Beach, California.
CUSCO USA believes in operating a successful business based on respectable principles and incorporating them into company policies. Below will give you a look at our philosophy, which we believe affects the quality of products you receive.
Our Development Process
One of our goals is to stay a world-class professional manufacturing company. To achieve this goal, we listen closely to our clients’ opinions and constant changing demands in this age of diversity. We continuously test and develop products to meet the needs and specific market demands world-wide. In order to do this, we maintain flexibility through innovative processes that produce solid improvements that deliver the best enhanced experiences to the consumer.
Most Important Asset
Our employees are our most important asset. They are given equal opportunity, rewarded fairly and recognized for their achievements. This allows each person’s expertise to flow through all aspects of our business, producing components exceeding expectations. Achieving this level is not possible without our employees’ contribution. We are convinced that if the company operates in this fashion, our employees will too.
Our Quest
CUSCO USA’s mission is to develop and deliver vehicle components that enhance the driver’s experience and ability to control a vehicle to the highest level. Consumers purchase our parts because our company was founded on this principle and still delivers it today.